Dating Psychology Tricks Used By Dudes To Get Girls
All dudes use dating psychology tricks to get girls in one way or another. First psychological trick: Put her in the “Friend zone”. Have a girl chase you, is put her ass in the Friend zone. As a dude, there’s nothing worse than being put in the Friend zone, even if you’re not super into the girl, you still want her to be attracted to you, and the friend zone basically means that this person does not find you sexually appealing. Pretty Asian girls, however, are never put in the Friend zone because every dude she knows wants to jump her bones.
If you can resist the urge to tell her how pretty she is, how amazing she is, and flirt and be all like awkward and weird, right, because this is what every other dude does, instead you’re just kind of normal and you treat her like one of the dudes.
This is going to drive her crazy because she has a difficult time wrapping her beautiful brain around the fact that there’s a dude who is heterosexual who does not want to hump her leg. But do not let her hump your leg, not yet. You gotta work the situation as much as possible, build it up a little bit.
Dating Psychology Tricks: Ask The Girl You Like About Her Girlfriend
This brings us the second in our bag of dating psychology tricks is making her chase the hell out of you: ask her about a cute friend. This is classic “reverse psychology“. Here’s a perfect example; “Hey Janice, how are you doing? Hey, good to see you. So, did you have a good weekend? That’s great. Hey, so I was wondering, tell me a little bit about Brenda.” The sun in Janice’s head starts spinning. She’s like, “Tell her about Brenda?
Wait a second, wait a second, Brenda’s never the one that gets the attention. That’s me, I’m the one, I’m the hot Asian beauty over there, not Brenda. Brenda’s just kinda average, sort of cute, maybe a six, and I’m a solid nine and a half, right?” She can’t even wrap her little brain around the fact that you would be interested in her less-than-hot friend. Be ready for her brain to explode.
Then say to her, just say, “They say there’s just something about her. Ha ha, but you gotta be cool. Be cool. You can’t be all freaking out and like, ‘I think it’s working,’ and all.” No, gentlemen, calm yourself, because what happens next is amazing. And this goes to Brenda. Tells her, “Hey, you know who was asking about you?” And then Brenda’s like, “Whoa,” hearing the news. That you think she’s like something. She’s not really sure what, ’cause you didn’t exactly say, which is part of the psychological sexual warfare that’s going on.
She freaks out because you were totally out of her league in her mind. Brenda’s gonna be blowing up your bones. She’s gonna be sliding into your DMs because Brenda’s like, “I’m not missing out on this opportunity.” And whether or not you hook up with Brenda is up to you. I’m not saying you should, I’m not saying you shouldn’t, but just know that if you do, it’s gonna get back to Janice. And if you do, then Janice is probably never going to sleep with you because if you reinvent yourself, actually go through with hooking up with her less-than-hot friend, all of a sudden, Janice is like, “Yo, I’m not Brenda’s sloppy seconds.”
Use Psychology Online To Get Girls Using Social Media
The third of our dating psychology tricks is to get her to chase you is to look more exciting on social media. Two types of dudes that don’t get chased: douches and dudes on social media that look boring. And so, you need to make sure that the pictures you’re posting don’t make you look like a douche. You also need to look more exciting. Now, in order to look more exciting, chances are you’re gonna need to step outside of your box a little bit and do different things. You can also just post on social media like Facebook, like “Yo, going to the game” or “Having a good time” or “Going like…” It just makes you look like you do things. You’re more exciting, and this is attractive. But be more successful. Five is to be more successful.
There’s a direct correlation between success and attraction. I’m not saying you gotta make zillions of dollars. I’m not saying you need to drive a Bugatti. But if you are somebody who is sitting on the couch playing video games versus somebody who’s going, maybe going to school, working a second job, not afraid of hard work, you’re out there making it happen. And here’s the thing, this is viewed as incredibly attractive because the majority of dudes out there are viewed as lazy little boys, right? So now we’re kind of done. Let her catch you with games. Now it’s all about you letting her know that, “Yo, you are thinking that she’s a an attractive Asian lbfm babe without being a creepy weirdo.”

Head Games: You Can Never Go Wrong
The fourth psychology dating tricks tip is, let her catch you looking at her. Even looking at her is an absolutely horrible strategy. It makes you look totally uninteresting. She catches you looking at her tight sexy Asian ass. Not starring, looking or glancing. Right here’s a glance. Then let her catch you. When she catches you, she’s like, “Oh, the first time might be an accident. The second time, not sure.” But the third time, undeniable, she knows that you’re interested.
It’s at this precise moment that you stop looking at her only three times. And then when you get up to leave, you might want to go by and just kind of look at her, smirk, smile, say, “Hello, how are you doing?” And walk by. You don’t engage her. It’s all about developing a little bit of tension and banter that is definitely going to drive her wild.
Don’t forget to always look and feel amazing, not to mention feel incredibly confident, which at the end of the day is the most attractive thing that women want. The best of dating psychology tricks, by far is a dude who is confident, kind, and super secure in who he is.
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